Pantley Pull Out vs the Holloway Happy Release
Many of you have probably heard of the Pantley Pull Off Method (I think that's what it's called) from "The No Cry Sleep Solution". It's the move where you nurse your child just until they are about to sleep and then swiftly pull your nipple out of their mouth before they drift off. This ensures that they learn to fall asleep without nursing to sleep. Every mention to it that I've heard has described the complete failure of every attempt. It's totally impossible and while falling asleep without being nursed down may be convenient I don't believe it's necessarily
nature's way. Our children will eventually fall asleep on their own and until then it's our job to gently ease them into slumber.
However... There are times when Spencer will nurse on the edge of sleep with my nipple stretched a foot away from my body while twiddling my other nipple between his fingers while I grit my teeth with agonizing discomfort. A wise mama from another board discussed the nursing relationship and with all relationships there needs to be a balance of needs. So for all those "can't nurse another minute" moments I've come up with....
Drum roll please.
The Holloway Happy Release.
I've simply started quietly telling Spencer to say "night night Boobies, all done, all done Boobies, say bye bye Boobies". Sometimes he starts nursing more frantically but eventually will roll away into peaceful slumber. It's awesome. Last night he mumbled "night night" before rolling away.
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